May 27, 2024


5 min read

How I got laid off


The tech layoff wave is still going strong in 2024. According to, there were 89105 people layoffed in 2024 already. Bigger companies like Google, Amazon, and Facebook have conducted sizable layoffs, and smaller sized companies are also not immune to layoffs.

The reasons behind these layoff vary, but there are common factors at play. One prominent cause is the aftermath of rapid hiring in previous years. Large companies like Google and Amazon have acknowledged that their recent layoffs are a result of several years of rapid growth and hiring, particularly between 2019 and 2022.

Hiring during pandemic

How I got laid off

I was laid off from my previous company at the beginning of 2024. I had worked there for almost six years and cherished every moment. It was a fantastic experience, and I owe a big thanks to all my colleagues.

Despite rumors circulating a few weeks prior, I did not expect it to happen to me. One morning, I opened my email and saw that I had been removed from the organization on GitHub. Shortly after, I received another company email stating that around 18% of the company had been laid off, along with instructions on the layoff process.

whaaaatLiterally me when I saw the email

In my case, the layoff was more related to the company's strategic and financial situation rather than the rapid hiring of the past.

I was deeply saddened by the news. I loved the company and the people I worked with. Many great things happened during those years, and I formed lasting friendships.

However, I tried to stay positive and view this as an opportunity for further professional growth.

After a short break, I started interviewing for new positions. In the end, I received five job offers, all with higher salaries than I had before. I was even surprised when some companies offered me nearly double my previous salary. This made me realize that things weren't so bad after all 😄

The interviewing process was interesting. During the six years I was employed, I wasn't actively looking for a new job. I had a few interviews here and there, but nothing serious. There's a general recommendation to go on interviews periodically to stay aware of the job market, but I found it stressful and didn't want to waste anyone's time, knowing I wasn't planning to leave my current job.

Despite the numerous layoffs in the tech industry, finding a job and getting hired is still possible. It may be harder than it was a few years ago, but opportunities are still out there.

Is it possible to dodge layoff?

In my experience, unless you're in a very high managerial position, it's challenging to avoid being affected by layoffs. When I was laid off, I saw several other engineers, who were among the best I've ever worked with, also lose their jobs. It was hard to imagine that such talented individuals could be laid off.

Lessons learned

Here are some takeaways I learned from the experience:

  • Expect the unexpected. Even if you are top performer, you can still be laid off. Almost no one is entirely immune, regardless of their skill.

  • Have some savings. Having an emergency fund is crucial. It can alleviate the stress of being laid off and give you time to find a new job.

  • Monitor industry and company health. Staying informed allows you to make proactive decisions about your career.

  • Embrace a change and stay positive. I always took hard sitatuions like this with higher level of anxiety, but the key here is to take it as an opportunity for growth and new beginnings.

  • Interview regularly. That was one of my faults during the years. Even if you are not actively looking, going through interviews periodically can help you stay aware of the job market, refine your interview skills, and understand what employers are looking for. This can make the transition smoother if you suddenly need to find a new job.

  • Value relationships. The relationships you build at work are invaluable. The support and connections with former colleagues can provide emotional support, job leads, and professional references.

After everything that's happened over the past several months, I feel like I've learned a lot. Although the first few days were hard and full of stress, I changed my approach to interviews and saw a huge difference. I went from completely bombing the first few interviews to nailing the next ones. The offers I received boosted my confidence and helped me understand my strengths and weaknesses, which I am actively working to improve.


"To grow you must suffer". While it sounds a bit ridiculous, it's also not so far from the truth. Getting laid off, though undeniably challenging, can be a powerful catalyst for personal and professional growth.

If you find yourself in this situation, don’t worry - embrace it as an opportunity to develop new skills, gain self-awareness, and build resilience.

Nicolas Cage motivation

As of now, there is no indication that the wave of layoffs in the tech industry will stop in the near future. It's wise to prepare yourself for potential changes. Stay proactive by continuously improving your skills, maintaining a strong professional network, and keeping an eye on industry trends.